Past events
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Tan Bahar aka DJ Cut’Em T. and cultural scientist Verda Kaya look back at youth culture in Berlin-Kreuzberg in the 1980s and 1990s. In particular, they look at the first bands with Turkish-language songs at the Hip-hop station in BERLIN GLOBAL. In conversation with the visitors, both also address Hip-hop culture in its creativity and individuality – globally and locally.

About One Object, Many Questions

Questions from many different angles focused on a specific object from BERLIN GLOBAL. Be it provenance, restoration, location in time and space, tie to Berlin and the world plus a great variety of subjects – there are no limits when it comes to interconnections. The invited professional expert will introduce surprising perspectives with his background knowledge and expertise. He will be able to supply far more information than there is ordinarily room for in an exhibition. The complexity and possibly also contradictoriness of the object and its research are addressed as well. The object will be ‘brought to life’ and unlocked for the public even if they have no prior knowledge.





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