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Three times a day, Brock the dragon flies back and forth over the wall separating the Eastern and Western Lands, keeping watch on the border and the glass palace in the East, where Lissy lives. Her cousin Hans lives in the Western Land. Both dream of being allowed to play with one another. Will their dream ever come true?

In German, Antje Horn tells of the division of Germany and the childlike courage of individuals to go into battle without weapons against an overpowering opponent and to stand by each other.

was born in the GDR. She lived with her large family in a very small apartment. They had no TV, but there were a lot of books. And so Antje grew up surrounded by countless stories from all over the world. Her country’s borders were closed, but as a child, she could still travel to distant lands and inner worlds from her bunk bed.

Today, she is a freelance storyteller, telling tales with her hands and feet, heart and understanding. Her great love is bilingual storytelling in tandem, and interplay with other art forms. She holds workshops for people in educational and therapeutic professions, for hospice workers and the Naturschutzbund. She is also the founder and artistic director of NARRARE, an international storytelling festival that has been held in Thüringen over the past few years. Antje Horn is mother to three grown-up sons and lives with her husband, dog and cat in a small farm community on the outskirts of Jena.

Antje Horn
© Tina Peißker
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