Past events
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What does a pangolin tell us about the connection between climate change and species extinction? How is its fate related to that of humans? And what moves us more to sustainable action: when we have individual fates before our eyes or when we know the facts and figures?

Students at Humboldt University addressed these questions in their project tutorial “Transforming studying?! The university as a living lab for Education for Sustainable Development”. Over the course of the semester, they studied the objects in the Humboldt Lab and developed their own texts about them.

As part of a guided tour, they spin a green thread through the exhibition “After Nature”and present their perspective on the exhibition. The focus is just as much on questions of ecological, economic and social sustainability as on the connection between global and individual climate impacts.


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  • Piktogramm Treffpunkt & Uhrzeit
    Treffpunkt & Uhrzeit

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