Past events
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The conversation »Perspectives on Active Materials« aims to address one of the burning questions of our epoch: the possibility of engineering smart, active, or bio-inspired materials and the meaning these enhanced materials might have for solving the contemporary and future challenges of these tumultuous times.

We will discuss these issues with historians of science on the one hand and materials scientists on the other. The following questions will be addressed: What effects has research had and continues to have on materials from a historical and cultural perspective? What is the radical innovation in recent approaches to materials? How can governmental research funding influence and guide this research? And what current research directions are pursued today? Indeed, as one of the rising crises of our society is an ecological one, the question arises what impact those newly developed materials will have. What resources do these materials consume and what is their afterlife? Are they sustainable? And how can they contribute to solve the worldwide ecological crisis?

The event presents central theses of the recently published anthology »Active Materials«, kicking off the workshop »Materials Matter«.

