Past events
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The world is full of disturbing news that even very young children cannot ignore: The war in Ukraine, refugees on the Mediterranean and the climate crisis are everywhere. The Corona pandemic is also still very much in the consciousness.

Especially when a family member or a friend dies, grief becomes the focus – at home as well as in the day care centre. The death of a beloved animal can also be a dramatic experience. How can we discuss such “difficult” topics with children in a good and respectful way? In which way do we need to adapt our choice of words according to age? How do we deal with their signs of grief?

The current special exhibition at the Humboldt Forum In_finite. Living with Death is dedicated to the question of how we live with the knowledge of death. It is mainly aimed at adults, but can also provide food for thought for discussions with children. After all, educational work in exhibitions offers an opportunity to approach certain topics differently than in everyday life – with adults and children alike.

At the symposium, experts from (early childhood) education, palliative and hospice work and education experts come together to exchange their professional expertises with each other and with members of the public.



Visit to the special exhibition In_finite. Living with Death, introduction and discussion with Marc Wrasse, Curator for Education, SHF


Impulses and room for discussion with:

Maike Erben, FRÖBEL
Robert Gärtner, FRÖBEL
Claudia Lorenz, ALICE-Museum für Kinder im FEZ Berlin
Rebecca Vandrey, Björn Schulz Foundation Berlin
Marc Wrasse, Stiftung Humboldt Forum Berlin

Host: Franziska Dusch


Participation is free of charge, registration is requested.

Click here to register

If you have any questions, please contact

The symposium is a joint event of the Humboldt Forum Foundation and FRÖBEL e. V. as part of a long-term cooperation.


Short biographies

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