Past events
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The historian Katja Koblitz looks at BERLIN GLOBAL through a lesbian-feminist lens. She tells stories about the role of the women’s movement in the 19th and 20th centuries, the struggle for visibility in Berlin culture in the 1920s, the resistance of women in the clothing industry, and creating a black lesbian community in Berlin.

Katja Koblitz is a historian and the CEO of Spinnboden Lesbenarchiv und Bibliothek Berlin. There, she cares for the largest collection of material on lesbian existence in Europe. She gives exciting tours in the city on lesbian (cultural) history. More information at



Organizational notes

  • Piktogramm Meeting point & time
    Meeting point & time

    The meeting point for guided tours and the location for workshops can be found on your booking confirmation. In order for the tour to begin punctually, please arrive 15 minutes before the programme is due to start. We ask that you allow for this additional quarter hour when planning your visit.