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Once a month, poetry and science come together at the Humboldt Lab. In the Logoskop‘s twentieth edition, the renowned spoken-word poets Karla Reimert Montasser und Christian Ritter will explore the exhibition ‚After Nature‘ with live performances of their work. Visitors are invited to join them on their tour of eloquence.

Curated by Bas Böttcher

Karla Reimert Montasser

Karla Reimert Montasser, born in Berlin in 1972, lives there as a poet and project manager. She has received many awards for her work, including the Würth Prize and the Japanese Embassy Essay Prize. She studied Literature, English and Romance Studies as well as Comparative Religious Studies in Berlin, Potsdam and Moscow. She is co-founder of the KOOK label, board member of KOOK e.V., organiser of reading series and literary projects. Since 2018, she has been responsible for the department of poetic education at the Haus für Poesie.

Christian Ritter

Christian Ritter is an author, satirist and bon vivant. For a long time he published one book a year, then he moved to Berlin. Here he founded the Queer Slam Berlin at SO36, which he also hosts, and is part of the reading stage Prunk & Prosa. The graduate in German studies has given solo readings on every continent except Australia and always found someone who wanted to listen. His most recent book is titled: Hoffentlich regnet es zuhause – Wenn Deutsche Urlaub machen (Hopefully it’s raining at home – When Germans go on holiday).

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