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Animal, human or robotic: the goal of the Science of Intelligence Cluster of Excellence is to develop an understanding of the fundamental principles of intelligence – regardless of whether biological or artificial intelligence. The unifying element is the search for intelligent behaviour capable of overcoming real-world challenges.

Researchers in this cluster are looking for ways to use an understanding of these principles to develop new smart technologies. This research benefits greatly from an interdisciplinary approach that brings together different disciplines such as biology, psychology and robotics. A crucial part of this research is to explore intelligence in a way that subjects technological development to ethical scrutiny, even during its creation process. How can we act to identify and prevent unforeseen developments at an early stage – for example, the emergence of an artificial intelligence that makes unethical decisions? Ethical guidelines for the development of artificial intelligence are a subject of heated debate currently in our society, and one of the urgent concerns of the Cluster of Excellence is to contribute new ethical approaches, to test them in application and to develop them further.


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