Past events
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GHOSTS OF THE FOREST ELEPHANTS is a video installation created specifically for the LCD panels in the foyer of the Humboldt Forum about a lone elephant that is thought to roam the indigenous coastal forests of South Africa.

There used to be hundreds of biologically unique elephants in the Southern Afrotemperate Forests of the Western Cape, which have been steadily exterminated over the last 200 years by the colonial woodcutters and hunters that arrived from Europe. Today, only one lonely female is said to remain and she wanders the ancient forest paths like a fading memory of her ancestral herd.

The installation is formed of ghostly images of the old elephant trails and ephemeral found video footage from infrared cameras seemingly capturing the last elephant. The video renews itself by means of an algorithm, evolving autonomously like nature itself, in which pixels fade and form anew, becoming fading echoes of the original image, like the memory of the solitary elephant roaming the paths of her ancestors.

It is a generative video installation about absence, ghosts and the destruction caused by the colonial legacy in this region made in collaboration with schnellebuntebilder and support by SANparks and photography by Samuel Lahu.

(Teboho Edkins)