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In the history of Europe, there is hardly a moment that was more exciting, but also none that was more frightening than the spring of 1848. Seemingly out of nowhere, huge crowds gathered in countless cities from Berlin to Paris and Palermo, sometimes peacefully, often violently. The political order collapsed.

In his new book “Springtime of the Revolution”, Christopher Clark places the events in the context of pan-European history and shows how they continue to have an impact today. In conversation, he traces how the ideas of 1848 spread around the world and changed conditions for the better, but sometimes also for far worse. A new and very different Europe rose from the ruins.

In the second part of the evening, Susanne Kitschun (Cemetery of the March Fallen) and Hartmut Dorgerloh (Humboldt Forum), together with Christopher Clark, will look at the present and show what foundations people laid 175 years ago for our coexistence today.

For everywhere in Europe new political ideas, beliefs and expectations were developing. It was about the role of women in society, the end of slavery, the right to work, national independence and Jewish emancipation. All of a sudden, these were central life issues for an infinite number of people – and they were fought hard for.

Book cover of the non-fiction book "Springtime of Revolution. Europe 1848/49 and the Struggle for a New World" by Christopher Clark (2023)
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