Past events
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“Blood red water rage. A swarm in the opaque blue. We swarm, fancy each other. What a happy coincidence that we have found each other. We break through all that has been and no longer remember them with indulgence. We make ourselves free. We become free. Our will is earth change. We slip out of the old plastic life and strive towards the sun, which is now also called death. And we scream with rage: at those who look away and take away our future with their ignorance. But now comes our time. The time of the rebels. Now comes our time of compassion.”

In the performance Schwärmen (“Swarming”), the inclusive ensemble of the Young RambaZamba Theatre stages a play about feelings in the face of the impending climate catastrophe. The young ensemble members developed Schwärmen themselves. At the centre of their search for a way to deal with their climate emotions, they place an often despised animal: the carrion-eating hyena. Against the backdrop of man-made climate change, the young actors and actresses ask whether this creature, with its strength, femininity and endurance, can be a symbol for ushering in a new era of the world.



Kultur macht stark
Zur Bühne

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