Past events
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“Say it loud: You fucked up!”, that’s the phrase and the groove we’ve been waiting for, to belt it out good-humoredly to those right-wing loonies, AfD-, Trump- and Orbán-fans too. “What’s wrong with the bourgeois? Why do they want to be alternative?” asks Knarf Rellöm in the killer track from his new album. The veteran of very early Hamburg funk culture, to whom Deichkind owe a lot of pioneering work, stages himself as a sexy left-wing futurist in the sense of Sun Ra with his new “Arkestra.” It goes with Beuys reference against the Deutsche Bank (“Cold Funk”), against the real estate madness (“The rents are too high”) and with a wonderfully drunken discourse band of Ahab, Ulysses, Faust and Quasimodo on an acid trip, which Rellöm already thought up when he still played with the truly legendary band Huah!, at the end of the eighties in Dithmarschen. King Tubby, Kraftwerk and McLuhan’s media theory form a compelling but deeply relaxed dance community in the core piece, which in turn offers slogan material for the next counter-demo: “No discussion, percussion”.  Soul Punk!  – Andreas Borcholte, Spiegel Online


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Practical information

  • Piktogramm Meeting point & time
    Meeting point & time

    The meeting point for guided tours and the location for workshops can be found on your booking confirmation. In order for the tour to begin punctually, please arrive 15 minutes before the programme is due to start. We ask that you allow for this additional quarter hour when planning your visit.