Past events
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In our Film Night, we invite visitors to enjoy different genres of ethnographic films – from documentaries to fiction. The films have predominantly museum references and are produced by and with our collaboration partners. They are enhanced with a small selection of current ethnographic films, which are especially devoted to the topic of the collaboration. Our Ethnic Film Night begins at 9 p.m. with the premiere of the film Macucu (Colombia, 25 min.), which tells the story of the rediscovery and revival of the cultural heritage of the Macucu in south-east Colombia. The film-makers and directors are present at the presentation and will be available to answer questions. Short films about exhibition objects, which were produced in Angola by Angolan film-makers in collaboration with the Goethe Institute Angola, show local perspectives and narratives about the objects. In another film, we accompany a Brazilian film-maker (Guarani) on her tour through the Natural History Museum in New York and experience the exhibitions with her. In addition, we dive into the cosmos of an Indian Kali priest, get to know one of the most famous Haida artists and his unique totem pole artworks, and follow a research expedition on the subject of shell money through the South Pacific.

First off on Film Night is the premiere of the film Macucu, which begins at 9 p.m. in the same space.


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