Past events
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Memory is often compared to a wax tablet, a storage facility or a film that runs before the “inner eye”. For the writer Gore Vidal, it resembled a play that we stage over and over again.

But to what extent do these images, metaphors and comparisons  capture the workings of memory? How does memory operate? What and how do we remember and forget?

Ancient philosophers saw the introduction of writing as a decline, fearing that it would make ancient mnemonics (such as the memory palace) obsolete. Every new media revolution triggered similar fears, including, for example, television in the 1980s. Thanks to the internet, smartphones and social media, our everyday life can be documented and preserved down to the smallest detail. But if we can archive everything and revive it through the media, do we still need to remember ourselves at all? How do technical innovations affect our memory? Or do we perhaps remember far too much?
