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Addressing colonial history and (post)colonial continuities is a major challenge for the Humboldt Forum, and will decisively shape the activities of this cultural institution.

This volume features essays and conversations of prominent museum experts from around the world who have supported and advised the Humboldt Forum in its development. Through their statements, they take part in international discussions such as the intense debate about provenance and restitution of ethnological collections.

With contributions from George Okello Abungu, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Philipp Blom, Hartmut Dorgerloh, Rita Eder, Hu Wei, Jyotindra Jain, Lars-Christian Koch, Lee Chor Lin, Neil MacGregor, Natalia Majluf, Wayne Modest, Nazan Ölçer, Barbara Plankensteiner, Thomas Thiemeyer, Abdoulaye Touré.

Hanser Verlag, 2021, 248 pages, € 18.

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